Quality indicators in radiotherapy – ESGO Gynae-Oncology Guidelines

ESGO-ESTRO Quality indicators of radiation oncology treatment of cervical cancer patients

The ESGO together with the European Society of Radiotherapy and oncology (ESTRO) is developing the Cervical cancer radiation therapy quality indicators to improve overall quality of care for cervical cancer patients including the aspects of radiotherapy and brachytherapy.

The indicators aim at providing clinicians and health care authorities a quantitative background of optimal standard of care and evidence-based framework for improving quality of care across Europe at institutional and national level. The aim is also to improve oncologic outcomes by minimizing treatment related morbidity and complications profile and to homogenize treatment care across Europe and beyond.

The international development group consists of expert practising clinicians and researchers in the fields of radiotherapy, brachytherapy, and gynecological oncology.

The development group is chaired by Prof. Christina Fotopoulou (ESGO, United Kingdom) and Prof. Cyrus Chargari (ESTRO, France).

ESGO-ESTRO Quality indicators for radiation therapy of cervical cancer - Article


Working group

Name Country Affiliation
Cyrus Chargari, coChair France Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif
Christina Fotopoulou, coChair United Kingdom Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery and Cancer, London
Kari Tanderup Denmark Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus
Remi Nout The Netherlands Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam
François Planchamp France Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux
Luis Chiva Spain MD Anderson Cancer Center, Madrid
Pauline Humphrey United Kingdom University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol
Alina Sturdza Austria Medical University of Vienna, Vienna
Li-Tee Tan United Kingdom Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge
Elzbieta van der Steen-Banasik The Netherlands Radiotherapie Groep/Arnhem, Arnhem
Ignacio Zapardiel Spain La Paz University Hospital - IdiPAZ, Madrid

External reviewers

ESGO would also like to thank 96 external reviewers who have taken the time to provide their feedback on the document.

List of external reviewers