Gestational trophoblastic disease guidelines – ESGO Gynae-Oncology Guidelines

ESGO-EOTTD-ISSTD-GCIG Gestational trophoblastic disease guidelines

In 2023, the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), the European Organization for Treatment of Trophoblastic Disease (EOTTD), the International Society for the Study of Trophoblastic Disease (ISSTD) and the Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup (GCIG) have launched a new project aiming at developing guidelines on the management of patients with gestational trophoblastic disease that would comprehensively cover the complete management of this rare disease.

The development group involves more than 50 clinicians worldwide with expertise in treatment of the GTD and specialized in gynaecologic oncology, medical oncology and pathology.

A hybrid meeting of the Working Group was held on May 11, 2023 in Warsaw Medical University in Poland having a participation of 25 experts onsite and 25 experts online. Please see here the picture from the meeting:

The article is aimed to be published in the first quarter of 2024.