Recommendations – ESGO Gynae-Oncology Guidelines

2023 ESGO Vulvar Cancer Guidelines Update

In 2023, the ESGO has completed the update of the 2017 evidence-based guidelines of the management of patients with vulvar cancer. The international multidisciplinary working group led by Dr. Maaike Oonk, the project chair, involved experts in gynaecological oncology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, pathology as well as specialists in ultrasound and imaging. The topics include diagnosis, staging, pathology, preoperative investigations and surgical management including the sentinel lymph node procedure. The guidelines also cover (chemo)radiotherapy, systemic treatment, follow-up, treatment of recurrent disease and palliative and supportive care.


2023 Update of the Vulvar Cancer Guidelines 

ESGO Vulvar cancer guidelines - 2023 Update article
Vulvar Cancer Pocket Guidelines

2023 ESGO Vulvar Cancer Guidelines Working Group

The European Society of Gynaecological Oncology would like to express a sincere gratitude to the international experts panel, who devoted their time and effort to the development of the ESGO Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Vulvar Cancer.

Name Specialty Institution
Maaike H.M  Oonk Gynecologic oncologist (chair) University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen (The Netherlands)
François Planchamp Methodologist Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux (France)
Peter Baldwin Gynecologic oncologist Addenbrooke’s Hospital, University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Sven Mahner Gynecologic oncologist University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich (Germany)
Mansoor Raza Mirza Gynecologic oncologist Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen (Denmark)
Daniela Fischerova Gynecologic oncologist First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague, Prague (Czech Republic)
Carien Creutzberg Radiation oncologist Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden (Netherlands)
Eugénie Guillot Gynecologic oncologist Institut Curie, Paris (France)
Giorgia Garganese Gynecologic oncologist Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Rome (Italy)
Sigurd F. Lax Pathologist Hospital Graz II, Graz (Austria)

School of Medicine, Johannes Kepler University, Linz (Austria)

Andres Redondo Medical oncologist La Paz University Hospital - IdiPAZ, Madrid (Spain)
Alina Emiliana Sturdza Radiation oncologist AKH/University Hospital Wien, Vienna (Austria)
Alexandra Taylor Radiation oncologist The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London (United Kingdom)
Elena Ulrikh Gynecologic oncologist Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Saint-Petersburg (Russia)
Vincent Vandecaveye Radiologist University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven (Belgium)
Ate G.J. van der Zee Gynecologic oncologist University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen (The Netherlands)
Linn Woelber Gynecologic oncologist University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany)
Diana Zach Gynecologic oncologist Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm (Sweden) Karolinska Institutet Eugeniavägen, Stockholm (Sweden)
Gian Franco Zannoni Histopathologist Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Rome (Italy)
Ignacio Zapardiel Gynecologic oncologist La Paz University Hospital - IdiPAZ, Madrid (Spain)



External Reviewers

41 Countries – 195 Reviewers

ESGO would also like thank external reviewers who have taken the time to provide their feedback on the document elaborated in the framework of the ESGO Guidelines for the Management of Vulvar Cancer Project.

The list of the External Reviewers Panel